獨立開發者在 app release notes 寫日記真的太有創意。我要學起來。
🧪 iOS 15 Beta 8
🌏日本公正取引委員會對 App Store 調查結案
明年初開始,Apple 將允許全球「閱讀器」類 app 開發者連結至外部網站以設定或管理帳戶。
Apple 最近跟 App Store 的官司很多(可以搭配前一週的新聞稿)。未來肯定會看到更多 App Store 政策調整
🤩Swift Proposal: Distributed Actors
提案階段,但有意思。至少對 Apple 用 Swift 實作系統底層會很有幫助。
Distributed actors allow developers to scale their actor-based programs beyond a single process or node, without having to learn many new concepts.
🎬Apple 偷偷更新部分 WWDC 影片
Swift concurrency 功能在 beta 期間有改名,例如從 async{}
改為 Task{}
🤪Random Tweets
Best CarPlay dev setup. 不知道誰需要但是就分享給大家。

Best CarPlay dev setup I’ve found:
This car-tablet thing: amazon.com/dp/B098DRVKRW/… (many no-name brands make similar ones)
AC-to-12V adapter: amazon.com/dp/B07DWXRD5F/…
Works for wireless CarPlay with wired Xcode!
(MUCH faster for debugging than wireless Xcode and wired CarPlay.)

Workaround 大師。打不過(IAP)就加入它。

Each Super Follow is an In-App Purchase on the App Store,
but because there are too many IAPs for the Twitter app, the App Store only shows 10 instead of the full list

9/9四 「Gather」Cocoaheads Taipei 2021 九月份聚會 一樣是線上活動,每個人都可以參加。每個月的圖片都滿用心做的
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。