13 的話
Xcode 11.1
UITabBarController 會多出一個 view,還有一堆的 known issues,所以其實可以考慮下一版再用。
大 Podcast 時代?
一個連假出現了至少四檔科技類 Podcasts,主題都沒有重疊,甚至不一定跟科技有關。都可以試試看。
weak self 12: 販售焦慮,Mobile 工程師能不學 Flutter 嗎?
身為 iOS 工程師,這輩子只要懂 iOS 就好嗎?看似寫了一輩子 Mac/iOS 的 @zonble,最近卻拿了一張 Google Flutter GDE。來聽聽他對於 Flutter 這項趨勢的看法。
weak self 官網改版更新
趁著連假也幫自己的 podcast 官網升級了一些功能
Spotify 已支援 Siri
![Twitter avatar for @tualatrix](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/tualatrix.jpg)
「嘿 Siri,在 Spotify 里播放 My Little Airport」
「在 Spotify 里播放周杰伦的歌」
「在 Spotify 里播放斯威夫特的歌」
「在 Spotify 里播放说好不哭」
完美!和 Apple Music 的效果一样~
還記得 iPhone 5 嗎?
macOS null
macOS Vista
macOS Catalina Bugs
iOS 13 Bugs
幾個 iOS 13.2 beta 的坑
![Twitter avatar for @simjp](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/simjp.jpg)
Ouch 💥
AVSpeechSynthesizer.speak(...) always crashes on iOS 13.2 beta
Hopefully this is fixed by the time GM rolls around 🤞
![Twitter avatar for @tuzaiz](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/tuzaiz.jpg)
分享個 99% 的開發者都不會遇到的問題,升上 iOS 13.2 之後,如果送出要求更新 CallKit 的 Call Directory Extension 的話,不會得到任何 Callback,然後 Whoscall 就出錯了
![Twitter avatar for @viticci](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/viticci.jpg)
Soooo...looks like iPadOS 13.2 b2 bricked my iPad Pro, which is stuck at the installation process. Already restarted once. Looks like it’ll be DFU + backup restore 😔 😭
You may want to hold off updating. Other folks on Reddit with the same issues today: reddit.com/r/iOSBeta/comm…
iOS 13.2 新功能
![Twitter avatar for @ilyakuh](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/ilyakuh.jpg)
The small thing in iOS 13 left unnoticed: screenshots for iPhone X, XS, 11 became bigger. On iOS 12, they are really small, but on iOS 13, they are full-sized.
![Twitter avatar for @_inside](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/_inside.jpg)
This new animation in iOS 13.2 will teach users how to change noise cancelation options on the new AirPods. 9to5mac.com/2019/10/02/new…
這個 Twitter hashtag 其實我只是要再次提醒說不要用 Mac App Store 下載 Xcode。在週報這邊跟 weak self 都有提過。不過也有不少開發者朋友提出跟他們技術或文化不合的點,可以看看。
![Twitter avatar for @ethanhuang13](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/ethanhuang13.jpg)
本來只是想講一個重點,但是用 #我會刷掉 太激進了。對於被冒犯的朋友感到抱歉。
主要是因為最近幾週,每週都看到有人因為用 App Store 裝 Xcode 踩到坑。
其實你可以到 developer.apple.com/download/more/ 下載 Xcode,這樣可以避掉一次只能單一版本、下載中斷重來、不小心自動更新這些麻煩。
![Twitter avatar for @ethanhuang13](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_40/ethanhuang13.jpg)
13 @ethanhuang13
![Twitter avatar for @ethanhuang13](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/ethanhuang13.jpg)
最後再說一次不是我發明的這句話:Friends don’t let friends download Xcode from the Mac App Store!
Catalina 下的 Simulator
我跟皮樂確認了 iPhone 5 的模擬器(32-bit)在 Catalina 也是可以跑。
![Twitter avatar for @hirakujira](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/hirakujira.jpg)
哇靠居然可以…????iPhone 5 是 32 沒錯。可以裝的最低版本應該只是 Xcode 藏起來而已,手動下載解壓縮模擬器檔案的話 9.x、8.x 應該也有機會
![Twitter avatar for @ethanhuang13](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_40/ethanhuang13.jpg)
13 @ethanhuang13
App Store 截圖終於顯示正確尺寸了!
![Twitter avatar for @ilyakuh](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/ilyakuh.jpg)
The small thing in iOS 13 left unnoticed: screenshots for iPhone X, XS, 11 became bigger. On iOS 12, they are really small, but on iOS 13, they are full-sized.
Apple Watch 心電圖在台灣如何開啟?ECG 功能啟用條件說明
感謝 x43x61x69 與皮樂的測試。
ECG 我是還好,還在等台灣的 LTE 版開賣啊。🥁🥣
如果你想做 Catalyst App
Steve 是我獲得 Catalyst 消息的主要來源。
![Twitter avatar for @stroughtonsmith](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/stroughtonsmith.jpg)
1️⃣ There are some neat technical things about Catalyst that were completely up in the air before the launch of macOS Catalina that we now have concrete answers to:
![Twitter avatar for @stroughtonsmith](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/stroughtonsmith.jpg)
• You can make a Mac-only Catalyst app
• You can replace an existing MAS AppKit app w/ Catalyst in an update
• You can use as much of AppKit as you want via NSClassFromString and selector calling
• AppKit plugins are legal
• Embedded helper binaries are legal too
![Twitter avatar for @stroughtonsmith](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/stroughtonsmith.jpg)
3️⃣ Having answers to these questions will help developers make important decisions re if and how they want to build a Catalyst app. The TL;DR — Catalyst apps are just Mac apps, they can technically do anything a Mac app can do, and mix and match UIKit and AppKit at will
![Twitter avatar for @stroughtonsmith](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/stroughtonsmith.jpg)
4️⃣ With this in mind, in theory there's very little stopping an existing Mac app embedding all or a significant portion of its legacy UI inside a Catalyst app that otherwise runs on iOS, and gradually transitioning to UIKit or SwiftUI as necessary to bulk up their iOS offering