🧪iOS 15.3 Beta & Xcode 13.2.1
實際上 Xcode 有用到 log4j,13.2.1 有 patch 喔。
原來 Xcode 也有用到 log4j,不過別擔心,已自動更新了。出處 Xcode 13.2.1 release notes(那舊版也會自動更新嗎?好問題🤔)
via @yyyyyyyyyyyyyrc
隨著這版本的推出,應該是 iOS 開發者們認真考慮升級到 Xcode 13 的時候了。
🧩The Composable Architecture
根據我的日常開發經驗,TCA 是 SwiftUI 相關架構中,相對成熟的框架與方案。
現在,它已經來到 5k stars,不是個小數目(相較之下,RxSwift 是 21k)。
In just a year and a half the Composable Architecture has surpassed 5k starts on GitHub! 🤩
And we've got some exciting things planned for the library in 2022. Keep an eye out! 👀
🆕Swift Playgrounds 4
終於推出了!可以用 iPad 感受「從開發到送審被拒絕」的整套體驗(?)
Swift Playground 4 總算趕在年終上路了,我想這就是 Apple 對於大家一直呼喊「Xcode on iPad」的回應:更強大的 Playground 與全新結構的 Swift Package based App
可以看 Denken 的快速上手:
用 SwiftUI 大約花了一個半小時就復刻出《台灣電子書搜尋》,限定 iPadOS 15.2 + Swift Playground 4.0 以上版本,點擊即可下載執行:icloud.com/iclouddrive/0e…
Just to give Swift Playgrounds 4 a proper test, I ported Lights Off to it in its entirety. The majority of the Xcode project can be dragged & dropped into the Playgrounds project, and it just works
It’s really neat that Playgrounds supports your regular Markdown DocC-style Swift comments & documentation, though you really have to fight with the automatic indentation when trying to add some of your own in the editor
版控怎麼辦?可以搭配 Working Copy 使用。下面影片應該是直接存取 iCloud Drive 上的檔案。我的話,會把檔案移到 Files 裡的 Working Copy 再回 Playgrounds 打開來編輯。
Swift Playgrounds 4 is out bringing SwiftUI development to the iPad.
Setup Git version control by dragging playgrounds from the Files app into the repository list in Working Copy.
IPA 甚至可以拿出來 side loading 呢~
Turns out it is indeed possible to export compiled .ipa’s from Swift Playgrounds 4 with a little TLC — which can then be sideloaded with @altstoreio to appear on the Home Screen like a normal app 😄
Icon 產生器背後的設計故事👀
Fun fact: We ended up creating 2 versions of every Placeholder icon in Swift Playgrounds, a normal and an inverted because simply tinting the icon looked wrong.... 🧵
Jake Sawyer @Naxum
🤪Random Tweets
我在各種管道中說過無數次「不要用 Mac App Store 安裝 Xcode」,相信你這次沒有中招吧~
薛丁格的 Bool
这段时间阅读 @olebegemann dump 的 SwiftUI framework 有了不小的收获,不过他dump的版本有点旧了。我重新生成了一个Xcode 13.2下的版本。
Instead of the terms "whitebox testing" and "blackbox testing", consider the alternative terms, "iMac testing" and "eMac testing"
Darren 梗圖王
ProMotion 的「傷害」
me: 怎麼滑起來這麼卡??我哪裡寫壞了嗎
me: 哎呀 我知道了 因為我拿ㄉ是 埃轟 13 pRo~~~
🎙weak self podcast 89: Protocol 萬法歸宗?It takes Two
兩個 Protocol 相關 Swift Evolution
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