假如 Apple 推出 AR 眼鏡,並且開放申請開發機,每台要 $2,000,你願意買嗎?

📊 As a developer, would you realistically consider spending the rumored $2,000 on an Apple-made realityOS VR-headset-cum-AR-dev-kit if Apple were to announce such a thing at WWDC?
👂realityOS 是真的?
Apple 的開源專案裡面出現 REALITYOS
的字樣。本來以為不知名的 commit 可能是假的...
This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.

Well then. This at least confirms it 1) has its own OS & binaries, and 2) has a realityOS Simulator

Nicolás Álvarez @nicolas09F9

My understanding of this realityOS reference in dyld is that it is real, and that Apple force-pushed a commit to remove it and hide it before anybody noticed. The internet, of course, never misses a trick.
realityOS is Apple’s next big platform
我跟 Pofat 有在最新一集 weak self 聊了一些對於 realityOS 的猜想。Apple 如果真的推出了 AR 眼鏡,上面應該不會有網頁瀏覽器🤔
🧪iOS 15.4 Beta 2 & Xcode 13.3 Beta
Release notes 建議要讀。
💡幾個 SwiftUI 小技巧

`Link` view is great in #SwiftUI but how to open a URL without it?
Use the OpenURLAction instance from your environment.

放入 markdown String
不會有樣式的效果(如果你知道 LocalizedStringKey

Will the two texts both be properly formatted in SwiftUI?
No 🤯 learn why and how to fix it ⬇️
#iosdev #SwiftUI

🏷An update on AirTag and unwanted tracking
AirTag 上市後,對於被用來做非法追蹤引起不少爭議。這篇是官方新聞稿(目前沒中文版),內容是說明會更新一些機制與體驗。
🤪Random Tweets
🎙weak self podcast 92: 瞎猜蘋果眼鏡
weak self 是一個 iOS 工程師下班後打電動的勸敗節目。
Ubiquiti Inc. (UI) Android Developer
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。