🧪iOS 15.4 Beta 3 & Xcode 13.3 Beta
Release notes 建議要讀。
🤔Apple SSD 速度之謎
推文串還滿長的。你需要知道的是,斷電的時候,資料有可能還未寫入。有電池的電腦像是 MacBook Air / Pro 不太需要擔心。但 Mac mini / iMac 就...
Well, this is unfortunate. It turns out Apple's custom NVMe drives are amazingly fast - if you don't care about data integrity.
If you do, they drop down to HDD performance. Thread.
Uh, guys? I'm not saying "the machines are only fast because they cheat on data durability". I'm saying there's a stupid, unfortunate performance bug when you *do* want durability that most people won't notice because macOS gives you poor durability by default.
🤪Random Tweets
2/14 這個節日是
SwiftUI 火力展示
This entire game scene is actually one big SwiftUI view hierarchy! 😀
Hundreds of views, many of them animated, all rendering at a smooth 60 FPS on Mac, iPad and iPhone (even on my iPhone X), with 90+% code sharing across platforms! 🚀
Love how versatile and fast SwiftUI is 👍
Here's a quick video showing the game running on an iPhone X. Really smooth overall, and this is on a 4+ year old device, and I haven't done almost any performance optimization work yet 😀 SwiftUI continues to impress me!
Live Text 在 Safari 的實作
How #LiveText is implemented in Safari? Besides Apple's OCR algorithms, the text is basically implemented using #ShadowDOM and CSS Transform.
Front-end tech still rocks, even for #APPL.
iOS 15 的新 .background
modifier 可設定 ShapeStyle
PSA: If you want to get "automatic" vibrancy when setting `.foregroundStyle` to `.secondary` over a `Material` in SwiftUI, you *need* to use the new `.background` modifiers from iOS 15 to draw the background.
Otherwise, you'll only get a flat color.
我覺得這知識挺實用的呀。這樣就知道為何 SwiftUI 的 state 不需要 Equatable
#TIL: SwiftUI 比較 view 時首先嘗試比較 memory
Joe Groff @jckarter
Ubiquiti Inc. (UI) Android Developer
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