💪Mac Studio
So the M1 Ultra, as expected, is insanely fast. On a fairly typical-sized project for me the Xcode archive time went from 200s on the M1 Max to 90s on the M1 Ultra. Smaller projects with less dependencies have lesser gains (20-50% quicker) typically leaving 70% CPU unutilised.
SSD 不是 SSD(串)
IRC says there's YouTube drama about swapping the Mac Studio's "SSDs"?
Those aren't SSDs. Those are raw storage modules. You wouldn't expect swapping chips between SSDs to keep your data, right? Same here. You need a full wipe. The SSD controller is part of the M1 Max/Ultra.
🖥Studio Display
sowing: We put a high-performance CPU inside your monitor to optimize performance
reaping: We need to install a software update for the CPU inside your monitor
🗣在苹果加速器活动做的 SwiftUI 开发分享——戴铭
受 Apple 加速器 SwiftUI 活动邀请,做了个分享,还和喵神、61、浙剑、思琪等社区大神参与了圆桌讨论。这次完善了 SwiftUI 做的幻灯片,比去年要好一点,增加了解释执行代码交互功能。内容见:ming1016.github.io/2022/03/25/dev…
📦Introducing Swift Async Algorithms
We are pleased to introduce a new package of algorithms for AsyncSequence. It is called Swift Async Algorithms.
🐛Swift bugs are moving to GitHub Issues
GitHub Issues 比 JIRA 好用啦。有報過 bug 的朋友請注意要提供帳號。
🚥Exhaustive testing in TCA
我在用 TCA 時,也遇到測試這方面的問題。Point-Free 也回了推文。
@laxmorek @merowing_ There’s room for a lot of nuance and exploration, though!
TCA tests can easily be upgraded to hit production, usually by swapping the “.mock” environment for “.live.” I haven’t found a compelling reason to do so, though if folks have any I’d be interested to hear them!
🤪Random Tweets
api-digester 换了个名字,加强了可用性,已经包含在最新版本里一起发布了。
这样的一条命令就可以检测出所有 API Changes,感觉 Swift 开源项目都应该接入,例如自动检测 PR 里的 API Breakage,或者是作为大版本 Migration Guide 的补充说明。
New blog post: Rust for Mobile Development 🦀📲
Rust is increasingly popular. Why not using it for mobile apps?
iOS 工程師剛下載完 Xcode 要解壓縮
2gua @im2gua
我看到 @onevcat 出現在台灣,正當我驚訝的時候, @ethanhuang13 跑出來,說他回報了一個 Line 的 bug,所以 @onevcat 在修。
How to keep a Xcode tab open?
* Double-click on the file in the Project Navigator
* Double-click in the tab itself.
* Right-click on the tab and select "Keep Open".
* Edit/Write something in the file
* Move the tab even not change the place
My team just don't use any List. Yet another reason here:
Keith Harrison @kharrison
portto | 門戶科技 iOS Developer
Instacart iOS Developer(可申請加拿大工作簽證。請洽 Steve)
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