🛠Xcode 13.3.1
修復了一些與 Bitcode 有關的問題。
我個人還在用 13.2.1 就是了。
🕳上傳至 App Store 遇到 ITMS-90165 Error 請砍掉重抓 Provisioning Profiles
如果你很久沒建新的 profiles 可能會遇到這問題,原因是 Apple Certificates 過期。時間點剛好跟 Xcode 13.3.1 發布相同,但兩者沒有關係。

Note to iOS developers working on an app for awhile: two Apple certificates used to sign your provisioning profiles expired today. When you try to submit your app for review you'll get an ITMS-90165 error. Fix is to get a new provisioning profile.
建立方便大家安裝到手機的 Xcode 專案 — 搭配 xcconfig & Team ID──彼得潘
彼得潘應該是全台灣寫 iOS blog 產量最高的人了。而這篇的內容,我相信大部分人看完都會說「原來還有這招」。
🤪Random Tweets
Apple Pay Cash Animation,有興趣可看 source code。

I built the Apple Pay Cash gradient animation over the weekend, just with UIKit and CA!
The key idea is that you take the distance from each dot to some focal point, and "map" it to a hue in the HSL color space.
If people are interested, I can post the code & a quick writeup.
Laptop?應該叫 Deskdown 吧

Boss: your leave request broke the system
Me: uh sigh
Boss: why do you want to take the specific week off in 2038
Me: for this exact reason

@xssfox Good dates to take work off:
February 7th, 2036
January 19th, 2038
November 20th, 2038
January 1st, 1970
哈哈同意這說法。我到現在還是覺得 MacBook Air M1 很神

I haven't posted about M1 Macbooks in a while. Feels like I have a whole new cohort of followers who haven't been lectured to.
Buy an M1 Macbook Air. It's like the end of history computer.
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。
當開發者之前是apple 維修人員,以前拆解過舊款的imac & display目前沒拆解iMac 和display 一段時間,但看拆解影片推斷Studio Display 比M1 iMac 24 厚的可能原因有以下:
1. Studio Display Speaker & 風扇厚度及大小明顯比較大,看影片 感覺M1 使用的風扇比較類似 MacBook 風扇的大小,Speaker也縮小許多,而Studio Display Speaker 則是類似舊款的尺寸,做有流線厚度的設計
2. M1 iMac 24 的power & 主機板 縮小,Studio Display power 感覺有一定厚度