這週 ChatGPT 上線以後出現一堆玩法。
歡迎訂閱 Patreon 來支持我的電子報。
🧪Apple Releases
各平台的 Beta 4 都有修一些問題。Xcode 沒有新版。
iOS & iPadOS 16.2 Beta 4 (20C5058d) and 16.1.2 (20B110)
☃️Get your apps ready for the holidays
請注意,12/23-27 這幾天,App Store 審查會比平常慢。
🏆App Store Awards 2022
看看你欣賞的 app 有沒有得獎。
🖌Core ML Stable Diffusion(新聞稿)
Apple 推出了可以用 Core ML 跑 Stable Diffusion 的 Swift Package。在任何一台 Apple Silicon Mac 上,大概半分鐘不到就可以產生一張圖片。
🤖ChatGPT 來了,iOS 開發者會失業還是更有效率?
Code review
教你怎麼用 Fastlane
chat.openai.com/chat is so impressive. Surprisingly it's also super useful for coding related questions. Would prefer an answer like this over going through multiple 6 years old Stackoverflow threads.
josh @jdjkelly
寫文案:Release Notes、隱私權政策,甚至寫詩?
I asked ChatGPT to write a sonnet about The Composable Architecture and it did, complete with (mostly) rhymes.
寫個簡單的 SwiftUI App
#ChatGPT just wrote me an iOS #SwiftUI app that shows the top posts on HackerNews. Sure I fixed a couple nits in the syntax, but I had a working app in about 60 seconds start to finish 🤯
寫 Swift Proposal
他也知道 iOS 開發者不好當
我看到覺得最神妙的應用方式是請組合技:請 ChatGPT 幫忙寫出丟給 MidJourney 的提示詞,來產生漂亮的 iOS app icon。
Ask ChatGPT to give me a better prompt for MidJourney to generate an iOS app icon with a bird.
The result is mind blown 🤯
你也可以使用 ChatGPT 的 API。彼得潘寫了一篇教學:和 OpenAI ChatGPT 聊聊天 & 用 Swift 串接 OpenAI API。
🤪Random Tweets
Thanks Google, I can confirm this is a dangerous email that steals all your leisure hours to work for Apple.
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。
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