🧪iOS 14.6、iOS 14.7 beta
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💪Apple 預覽 Accessibility 新功能(官方新聞稿)

my team at Apple Accessibility is incredible!
on Apple Watch, you can now answer calls, check your notifications or end a workout using ONLY hand gestures ⌚️✊🏼👌🏼
+ much more here: apple.com/newsroom/2021/…

1. 務必弄個專用的工作空間,因方便直接在餐桌上或沙發上都會影響生產效率,因是跟非工作生活過度重疊,容易分心或開始做其他的事。看預算和狀況進行環境打造,至少把桌子某一角清空,這裡只工作其他時間不用

遠端工作小撇步,不同主題另起一個 thread
1. 事先約定時間:遠端工作的基礎在於信任,其中一個最容易炸的就是「找不到人」,我會事先跟共事者知會什麼時候找我都找得到(會立即回覆),可以隨時call 我討論,其它時間則是會慢一點,但大致上我還是滿常保持 responsive
📹iPad Pro M1 Center Stage
我是覺得如果要長期 WFH 的話,可以考慮買一台來當視訊會議專用機😂

I also tested Center Stage extensively. But I went beyond FaceTime and video calls:
We built a custom Center Stage app using the official API.
There are videos. And this GIF.

📺新款 Apple TV 4K 的一些觀察

原來 Apple TV 4K(2021) 有支援 ARC/eARC,這倒是引起了我一點興趣🤔
意思是,聲音可以從 PS5 等來源透過 HDMI 輸入電視(要有 ARC 或 eARC 功能),再輸出到 Apple TV,再無線輸出到 HomePod
換句話說,如果有兩顆 HomePod,可以買新 Apple TV 4K 來組個家庭劇院的替代品。效果好不好還要看更多評測

withUnsafeBytes { @ximigen

新款 Apple TV 遙控器有滿多巧思跟改良。包括「加大厚度以避免掉進沙發縫隙」😂 我個人比較好奇的是,內圈觸控板真的有改的比較精準?

同場加映—用 SwiftUI 畫的遙控器!

With the new Apple TV launching today, I wanted to try recreating the new remote with SwiftUI. It's far from perfect, but if you'd like to try it yourself, here's my code! 🙈📺

💰辦一場 WWDC 要多少錢?
Epic vs Apple 的官司還在進行中,節錄一些「爆料」:
Apple 作證說要辦一場 WWDC 要五千萬美元。

Interesting stat from Schiller: Apple Developer Program License Agreement, the paid program that costs $99 a year and gives you access to TestFlight and other tools, has about 1 million members, so close to $100 million per year in revenue for Apple.
Apple 研發費用:

Oh my god. Schiller is asked how much Apple spends on R&D.
He says from 2005 to 2020 Apple spent $100 billion.
Just last year alone Apple spent $18 billion.
其餘資訊可見The Verge 的 News Stream。
🏃How M1 Macs feel faster than Intel models: it’s about QoS
不同的 QoS 管理對於操作感受的影響。
🎙weak self podcast 76: 在家工作!WFH 時怎麼樣才不會 WTF
資深聽眾你沒有看錯,節目標題 reuse 了。
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