再次提醒別忘了去 Apple 網站填寫本屆 WWDC 的參與問卷,你的回饋肯定會影響到後疫情時代 WWDC 的舉辦形式。
標題看不懂的話,跟 HBO Max 誤發的測試信有關。
🛋WWDC21Lounges 備份
官方 Slack 很快就收攤了。幸好有人把東西整理出來。
🧐iPadOS 15 Widget Sizes
iPadOS 15 widget sizes change compared with 14. Medium widgets are now square. There's too many differences to list (maybe I'll write a blog post in the future). Presumably to tile better, some widgets have fractional widths. The HIG isn't clear on which sizes are which devices.
🔍Live Text in Spotlight
So, how good is Spotlight’s live text indexing in iOS 15?
Really. Really. Really. Freaking. Good.
Like “pick up a random line in a photo of a bright laptop using a text editor with tiny font while tilted sideways” good 🤯!
↗️Swift async/await 入門步驟
With all the information Apple shared about async/await and structured concurrency at #wwdc21, it easy to get lost. So here is a quick guide to get you started. /1
🤪Random Tweets
I’ve been working on a register screen using SwiftUI.
Let me know if you think is ready for production!
(Yes, it works for macOS too)
🎙weak self podcast 78: SwiftUI 後面沒有接 Kit 啦
聊聊 iOS 工程師面對 SwiftUI 的心智模型。
Richard Liu (LinkedIn)
如果你有 iOS 相關職缺或是求職履歷想要刊登在開發者週報,請見關於。